Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Slit .05 Mm Wide Is Illuminated

"Dom Andra" in the Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg

From 13 February to the end of the Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg the ground floor of an exhibition is installed, in the course of continuous development and, in contrast to the usual exhibitions, relates more to listen than look. The idea for the exhibition "Dom Andra (The Others) came from the network of Världkulturmuseets and is one of those projects that may be involved in each.

"Dom Andra" takes place in a symbolic trams, in which one is a headset touches to the stories of eight fictional people listen to the others. It's about everyday life, the idea to life and to stories that reflect the thoughts in minutes. Each story will put the listener into a new world of thought.

Tales of the eight people with stories of visitors who can directly record your own museum in the world cultural history, mixed, yielding more and more discovered other with their thoughts and the question of who is actually the Other, whether the stranger is not directed to the listener than the others.

The idea of the exhibition "Dom Andra" is to bring visitors closer to tolerance and understanding and to them the question of "different" to make. The stories will help to reduce prejudice and cause that we are clear about us as listeners that not only "Dom Andra", the others are, but we are for many of the other.

In the course of work with several recognized Gothenburg street artists that provide the setting for the fictional tram. The first artist was Hanna Eliasson, is more known as "Lupo Manero" or "Lupo Lupo. At the opening played young modern musicians, including the artist "the naima train" can be caused their works to the public in part.

Copyright text and photos: Herbert Karlin


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