Zurich night program
card SwissTopo
Directions Zurich, by bus No. 32 at "The Hagacker"
base bus stop "In Hagacker (460m)
Description from the bus stop first straight to Bachtobelweg. this follow up to the right, in order to turn above the cemetery Üetliberg on a dirt road to the right and a meadow to walk back up to the left. Now, according to the southeast to the brook. Where a road leads up, who is still ultimately a path. Follow this straight up to the Üetliberg (869m). Who wants to go higher, rises to the observation tower. The view from here extends over the lake of Zurich and the Alps.
descent as either rise or on the "planet" to Üetliberg station and the train back to Zurich
ascent 1h 400Hm
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